Push Notification
Get Notified Anytime, Anywhere
Your Apps & Website Can Talk Now
Mofluid Integration With Pushwoosh
Pushwoosh seamlessly integrates with the mobile stores and provides numerous other functions along with sending push notifications.
Did You Know That Pushwoosh Can Elevate Mobile Marketing?
What Makes Your App Talks
Timezone sensitivity
As your app becomes more successful, however, campaigns must be more carefully crafted. Highly engaging campaigns consider the time of day which a user is most likely to respond to a push notification.
Push scheduling
Mofluid makes it very simple to schedule to near future or instantly deliver your push notifications to all major mobile platforms and devices running iOS, Android. You can also schedule push notifications in full or in batches.
Geolocation push
The idea for this app is that you would approach a specific location and the app would automatically receive a push notification based on that location. This takes push notifications to the next level by targeting users with geofenced.
Statistics & analytics
Push notifications helps to keep your users engaged. Using Mofluid Push Analytics, you can easily track the open rate of the notifications on your Segmented user base. It trigger Push Notifications/In-app Messages/Emails.
Send Push Notification In Less Than 60 Seconds
Integrated With SDK
The SDK is a code library specific to the OS' push notification service. Mofluid has self integrated SDK file for instant access
Activate PushWoosh
Mofluid passes back unique identifiers to the app from the OS pushwoosh. Now the push messages are ready to sent.
Push The Messages
Composes a scheduled manual or automated message through a message composer user interface & defines the audience to be sent.